Did some wandering without my camera this week, and had to fall back on my cell phone.
Got into the parkade of the empty P500 Hotel, but the "Stairwell to Lobby" doors were all locked. This might change next week, when new renovation starts, according to the friendly security guard I spoke to.
Spent an hour or more wandering around the tunnel level, and climbing up into some of the buildings of, the VGeneralH. This place is a freaking wonderland. I think these two photos are from the H. Pavilion, which appeared to be half abandoned:
And then, miracle of miracles, I found a couple of locked but not quite closed doors on the B. Columbia I. of Tech campus.
I poked my nose into every corner of the steam plant ...
... The last corner I poked my nose into was the control room, where I had a brief, awkward chat with the control guy.
"Oh, hi. You, uh, got much to do on a Sunday here?"
"Not really.... You in training or something ...?"
"Nah, just visiting the campus."
"Well, I guess I'll return my hardhat and, um, get out of here ... Bye."
There are steam tunnels under them thar buildings. Altogether I found and tried about six or seven doors marked "Service Tunnels -- Contractors Must Wear Hardhats," but they were all locked. Even the one in the basement of the steam plant, and the one in the back corner of this normally locked electrical room.