The first is from the roof of Slvr condo, which I've been eyeing for a year. On a recent evening, I steeled myself for a run-in with on-site security, and took advantage of a POE (there haven't been many). I made a dash for the underground parking, then started systematically trying stairwells. None took me up the tower. One took me right into the room where the security guard was sitting (perhaps sleeping). Finally, by roundabout means, I managed to get into the tower stairwell and climbed thirty-odd flights to the roof. It was lovely and still up there, and the fog slowly rolled in and obscured my view.
The second is from Lmnt by Wstn, one of the tallest buildings in Metrotown, which has just opened for business and is currently one big POE. This won't last much longer.
By a very roundabout route, I managed to sneak into the swimming pool, but by my count I had to pass through three unlocked or taped-open doors, all of which will no doubt become secure within a month, if not a week.
The penthouse apartments will probably be finished in the same sort of time frame, after which this lovely view will become private property (and divided in thirds).
But I will always be able to say, "I was up on that building."
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